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(confessions of a) Calmoholic


Beginning with a 15 year adventure at respected design firms in New York City and Cape Town, immersed in increasingly complex domestic and international projects, I formed a deep appreciation for the myriad components essential to their success.

The delicate balance between intricately layered creative visions, the rock solid structure and (all too human:) management required to produce them.

My core belief is that we can strengthen our businesses, teams and projects from the inside out. Creating more time and clarity to focus our energy on what we LOVE MOST about our work.

Together, we can build sustainable, robust foundations for maximum impact and efficient ease in the seeming chaos of modern work life.

From the growing studios of talented creatives and makers, to high profile special events showcasing their work, to small businesses and rural nonprofits back where it all began - I’ve built my own foundation to thrive and the best part of my job is supporting you in creating yours!



African Roots

Growing up in South Africa, daily life was simple. An exciting albeit tumultuous time for the country, electric with fear of the unknown. Yet days formed around simple needs, simple joys.

Our age old, natural instincts have always been clear - we anchor during the storm, embrace life and beauty, despite the waves.

Indigenous cultures have lived this way since the beginning, when daily life meant survival amidst nature's chaos. Tuning in to instinct, connecting to the land. 

Building structure in their daily lives, developing routines and methods to nurture well-being, to unify the tribe and minimize suffering.

Shaping their environments to thrive.
